We are happy to announce our updated program website! Based on the summer survey results, we have introduced the following changes to our web presence:
* The design of the landing page has been changed to improve general visibility and highlight the most important parts of the website
* The Prospective Students page has also been revamped to make it easier for students interested in applying to The Graduate Center to navigate our page
* Finally, we have introduced official student and alumni profiles
We encourage students, faculty, and alums to visit the website at your earliest convenience and share your thoughts with us. If you are interested in having your profile featured on the website—either as as a current student or an alumna/alumnus—and you have missed the most recent call for profiles sent out over the summer, please be on the lookout for a Google Form in the coming weeks.
Also, as the semester kicks into gear, please keep Chloe Wyma, the program’s Social Media Fellow, up to date with any art history-related activities or achievements you’d like to share (shows curated, scholarship or criticism published, fellowships or awards won, papers given, panels chaired or moderated, publications edited, etc.) As the public-facing side our program, it’s critical that our social media promotes community engagement with the work of our students, alumni, and faculty.
Right now, Chloe is working on compiling a roundup of student and faculty news covering the summer break up through the last few weeks. To be included, please send her updates by Monday, September 25. Please email her at <[email protected]> and cc Art History <[email protected]> For any questions or issues related to the website, please contact Patryk Tomaszewski.
Also, if you haven’t done so already, please take a minute to follow the program on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.